Monday, November 23, 2009

I wouldn't let me borrow that

So I've been reflecting lately how I tend to lose things..a lot of things...all of the time. Its not that I'm completely irresponsible or careless...its just that my mind wanders. A lot. And the last thing I'm thinking about is making sure I have all 'my things. I began to reflect on this problem of mine when I misplaced an "irreplaceable" video last week that a very intimidating professor lent me, after much convincing.
"If you lose this I will chop up your ID and come find you."
I will spare you (mom) the details of how scary this particular professor is. Anyway, I realized at this point that if I ever have children I will lose them. I will never drive them in my car if it is above 80 or below 40...for they could be forgotten in the car.

Rather disappointed that I've misplaced recently...

The necklace my little cousin made me
The necklace my dad made me
The necklace my mom gave me
The necklace my high school boyfriend gave me (tear)
The necklace my grandmother passed down to me...(Although I did have this one for 5 ish years which is a record.)
My favorite scarf
My new favorite scarf
My roommates favorite scarf...sorry again
Basketball shoes
My basketball
My friends car keys while I was running in the woods which ended with me sitting in the back of a police car

Things That I hope to never lose...

The ability to Let Go- forgive
Ability to recognize Beauty in unexpected places
Desire to Learn from others

Dorthy Day used to say...."The key is to not hold onto anything"

Maybe she used to lose things too...

Anyway to focus on the positive...I feel that I'm not attached to anything which makes this hobby of misplacing everything a bit less emotionally damaging.

Oh yes and I hope never to lose that sense of peace inside each of us that often times gets overcrowded or drowned out. The harmony that you feel, smiling at yourself knowing that your being directed by something greater than your mind-

Dear God, we give thanks for place of simplicity and peace. Let us find such a place within ourselves. We give thanks for places of refuge and beauty. Let us find such a place within ourselves. We give thanks for places of natures truth and freedom, of joy inspirations and renewal, places where all creatures may find acceptance and belonging. let us search for these places; in the world, in ourselves and in others let us restore them. Let us strengthen and protect them and let us create them. may we mend this outer world according to the truth of our inner life and may our souls be shaped and nourished by natures eternal wisdom. Amen

1 comment:

  1. This made me laugh alot - so wonderful, so you. Now I'm afraid for you to have children but really would like to hear the cop car story sometime soon.
    Also, you can't lose me. Thanks. :)
