Saturday, January 23, 2010

It wasn't Me

As days past- I feel that I often discover a greater appreciation for some things in my life that I may have already acknowledged as AWESOME but I’ve realized that some special things have traveled into the, ‘You absolutely rock my world category. For example:

Walt Whitman
Playing Cribbage
Zach Braff
Bare branches against the stars…or just bare branches
Hooded zip ups
Knock Knock Jokes
Imagining that I’m some kind of extreme sport athlete while riding my bike on ice
Breakfast food

I am not aware what causes such a transition…all I know is that its happened. There is no going back.

I realize that this isn’t the most thought provoking ‘blog’
Actually, I don’t believe any of mine are so I don’t know what you were expecting but I will share this next little passage with you from my good friend Crystal..

“I’m scared of babies now…because I feel like they are just going to jump out of my arms sometime and they all smell like lightening bugs”
-Crystal Keiper